Thursday, 26 April 2012

New Places and New Faces

I've just about settled into my new wwoof place now.  It's a 36 acre farm with chickens, pigs and lots and lots of vegetables so it's quite different to what I've done before, but I think I'm managing okay so far.  There's another wwoofer here - A, an English girl a year older than me, who I seem to be getting on with fairly well and, for the most part, am able to chat to quite freely.  I've been struggling a bit with talking to H, my host, as he seems to give of an awkward vibe that then rubs off on me.  Or maybe it's me making him feel awkward?  I imagine it's probably partly just his character and partly me, and possibly partly my imagination as well.  It's getting easier though, I just need to make more of an effort to ask lots of questions.

I've really been missing my last place, though am trying not to think about it too much.  The day I arrived I was a bit of a mess emotionally; I had spent half the bus journey here in tears and kept thinking that I was making a huge mistake by leaving.  If I'm really honest with myself, half the reason I was tempted to stay there was to spend more time with M, who I found myself developing strong romantic feelings towards, but I really don't want to be the kind of girl who bases her decisions around men.  Now I've had a few days to think about it I realise I made the right decision, even though I still miss it.  I do find it helps to force myself to keep my mind focused on the present moment, a concept which we went over a lot in the support groups back home, but that I never really "got" until now.

I'll try and update more often from now on.  I have a good wifi signal in my bedroom so I can write blog posts in privacy which I couldn't really do before as there was no signal from my bedroom.  I'll leave you with a quote ...

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbour.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover."

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Moving On (and some pictures)

Well it’s almost time for me to move on to my next wwoof placement.  My first impressions of this place were spot on – I’ve loved every minute of it here.   I’m leaving tomorrow, and it almost feels like I’m going to be leaving home all over again, I’ve been that comfortable here.  I’ve experienced so many new things here, like spotting wild dolphins at the beach after work and learning to dance tango.  We were joined by a French boy 2 weeks after I arrived and a few days ago another girl arrived, so it’s been really nice to have the company of other wwoofers unlike at my previous hosts.  I’ve ended up spending a lot of time with and getting on really well with the german boy.  I don’t think a day has gone by since I’ve been here that we haven’t laughed our heads off over something. 

My host has even said to me that I am welcome to come back any time and stay long term (anything up to a year).  I was extremely tempted by his offer, and who knows, maybe I will take it up later on, but for now I think I really need to keep on the move and continue pushing myself into new situations and meeting new people.  Not that I haven’t benefited from staying somewhere for a longer period of time, because I really have.  I’ve learned a lot about the type of person I want to be and made a start at actually becoming that person.  I’d say I’ve developed a better work ethic from being here and am much more appreciative of a good nights sleep at the end of a hard days work.  I’ve realised that I have an incredibly dry sense of humor and that I’m actually quite a good cook.

Until today I haven’t been all that anxious about moving on to my next placement.  I’m feeling a bit tense now though.  I know it’s going to be a big challenge for me at the new place; it’s a 36 acre farm with regular volunteer days where members of the community all come and lend a hand.  So I’m expecting to be surrounded by people non stop there.

Here's a few pictures from the past month that do a little to explain why I'm so reluctant to leave this place ...