Yesterday was a good day.
I walked into town and did some shopping on my own, something which used to freak me out but am now fairly comfortable doing. Anyway I was in a shop looking for a doorstop for my bedroom door; I had been wandering around for about 10 minutes and hadn’t found it yet. The thought that I might have to ask for help was lurking in the back of my mind but I was determined to keep looking so I wouldn’t have to. Eventually I managed to psych myself up into doing it. Luckily there were lots of staff around to choose from; I chose a friendly looking old lady - the least intimidating of them all! It was all over within 20 seconds and really wasn’t that scary at all, but I was so proud of myself afterwards that I couldn’t stop grinning. This was the first time I’ve ever asked for help in a shop – I’ve always either let someone else do it or just left it. I definitely feel like I could do it again with little or even no anxiety.
Also, last night my housemate had a house party as it was her birthday last week. There was probably 30+ people there at its peak. I wasn’t too nervous beforehand, probably because I only had an hour to eat, and get ready in between getting back from shopping and the start of the party, so I didn’t really have time to think about it. I’d been worrying about it a lot during the week though. In the end it really wasn’t as bad as I had imagined it would be – I even endured the whole thing sober. Something I was really contemplating beforehand was whether or not to have a tiny bit of alcohol to ease my nerves, but once I got into it, it didn’t even occur me to drink. I did feel awkward a lot of the time but I wasn’t running away to my room every 5 minutes like I thought I would be.
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