Monday, 10 January 2011

Seriously Fed Up

I wish I could fast forward six months. I cannot wait to be done with this utterly soul destroying course. I have two exams in the next two weeks - the first one is on Friday and I've hardly done any revision for it. It also doesn't help that I skipped half the lectures for this module last term. Oh well. To be honest I'm more worried about this presentation I have to give at the beginning of February. Actually "worried" doesn't quite do justice to how I'm feeling, I'm not even sure there is a word that adequately describes my emotions about it. For the time being I'm managing to push it to the back of my mind, even though I know this is probably counter productive and is only going to result in procrastination. My highly skewed reasoning behind this is that if I don't think/talk about it then maybe the whole thing will just go away, and February will never arrive. If only ...


  1. Everybody dreads presentations. Everybody. I think you and I both are probably better at it than we think. The last two presentations I gave went fine, but I almost defeated myself before hand because of my worry / anticipatory anxiety. You'll do fine. Just try to not give into the negative thoughts. Distract yourself. Give yourself credit for the things you have done, the presentations you have presented. Remember: just showing up is enough. You don't have to be perfect.

    - Mike

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