Tuesday, 8 February 2011


I feel sick with nerves right now. I've got to go to the labs this afternoon, and i'll be seeing my project partner and no doubt she'll ask me how my presentation went. I don't know what I'm going to say :s Do I tell her I just wasn't prepared enough and was freaking out, or lie and tell her I did it? She's already texted me asking about it and I've just ignored it - at the time I thought it would be best to tell her face to face but now I'm thinking I probably should have done it via text. And what if my supervisor is there? I have a feeling he might have already found out, but what if he hasn't and I have to explain to him with a room full of people most likely listening in to the conversation.

I had a dream last night that I was in the labs and there was a huge blackboard and written on it was a message about me from one lecturer to another saying how I made everyone uncomfortable and how I was so strange and that I didn't turn up to enough sessions. Needless to say I woke up feeling anxious, and wanting to just stay under my covers forever, which led to me missing my 9am lecture.

Oh and I finally got an email back from the lecturer overseeing the presentations. He said that they couldn't let students just pick and choose which parts of the module they want to do and that basically if I didn't do it I'll lose all the marks. I was hoping they'd have a read through my written notes and maybe give me a few marks for content :s I guess that was wishful thinking.

1 comment:

  1. I've kinda been in similar situations but not in the context of university though but I've found that where I have attempted to bluff something over it ended up 100 times worse. My memory fails me and because they don't know about the SA they think you could be lazy or difficult.

    How understanding are the tutors? Is there a chance you could explain your condition? Maybe they could help in someway or do you think that it's best to stay anonymous right now?

    I've been working at my current place for 11 years and I haven't ever told the boss so I know that's not something easily done. I've been putting on a relative act and the tougher problems I have I must admit I avoid if I possibly can!

    Whatever you decide I feel for you & hope it goes as best as it can for you.
    Take care.
