Friday, 8 April 2011

a blog post

So I've managed to get out of the house on two of the last three days. I went to the library for about 4 hours today and got some revision done, and I have just gotten back from a 20 minute run :) My sister asked me to do a Race for Life run with her and her friend in June so I signed up for it yesterday. It's only 5K but I can barely run 1K at the moment without having to stop gasping for air. I've been meaning to get fit for so long now - every single day (and this is not an exaggeration) for about a month I've been telling myself that today's the day that I'll go for a run but up til now I havn't been able to bring myself to go out :s A few times I've put my running gear on and looked out the window and convinced myself that it's too busy or too late or too whatever. There's a lot less people around now as most people have gone home for the holidays so I didn't feel that self conscious. And I had my headphones in listening to my favourite podcast which helped too :)

I'm actually quite enjoying having just two of us in the house right now. The girl who's stayed is the quietest one, apart from me of course, of the five of us and spends a lot of time in her room and the library studying and can be very uptight about certain things. We can sometimes go whole days without seeing her. And conversations with her can be really stilted and awkward as I feel like I have to walk on eggshells because her temper can flare up without warning sometimes. Saying all that, we've been getting on really well in the last few days with lots of banter (I can't stand that word but unfortunately it's the only one that fits here) and giggling in the kitchen, and I've been getting more and more comfortable talking to her as the week's gone on. I should really try my best to keep it up over the next few months, after all I'm going to need all the friends I can get once uni is over.


  1. I know exactly what you mean about getting ready to do something and then finding excuses not to do it or put it off for another day. I do that all too often :/

  2. Hey Melanie, I see you became a follower on my blog, I'd like to talk with you in IM. Do you have MSN or skype? My MSN is "" my skype is "ihatethemoviedespicableme"

  3. hi Eric, I added you on skype :)
