Thursday, 29 September 2011

Job Interview

I had my job interview his morning. I feel like I managed my anxiety pretty well beforehand (not to say that I wasn't nervous because I was!), I told myself that it wasn't a big deal and tried to just focus on the positive what ifs (i.e. "what if it goes really well" instead of the usual "what if I fuck it up?"). Overall it went okay, although I blocked on my name when the receptionist asked. It wasn't a big deal though, she was completely nice about it. The interview itself wasn't too bad; the interviewer did most of the talking to be honest!! He spent about 5 minutes explaining about the job and I made a point of looking him in the eye and nodding and going "yeah" and "okay". Then he asked me the awful "Tell me about yourself?" and just as I was about to answer (without really knowing what I was going to say) he picked up my CV and starting telling me why he had given me an interview (my numerical skills apparently) and he qualities that were needed for the job and how some people find the work pretty tedious (it's a data entry job) and others enjoy the repetitiveness and blah blah blah. So when it came to giving my answer I just sort of repeated what he had said and told him that I was happy doing repetitive work and that I'm the type of person that will just put my head down and get on with it (or something alone those lines). Then he caught me off guard by asking how I found my school (I think he was considering sending his kids there or something) and I gave some awkward non-committal reply :/

I had to do a type test as well; turned out it was the same one that I had been practising on the internet so that was pretty cool :)

I feel like I really messed up the exit though, I don't know what it is but I just seem to get really awkward saying goodbye even if it's been going well until that point. He walked me to the front door and I didn't really say anything apart from "thanks" and "bye". So yeah ... I need to work on that!

Overall though, I'd say it went well. I think I have a relatively good chance of getting it. Fingers crossed :)

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