Sunday, 30 September 2012

5 Things I Learned While Wwoofing

1.       That I am actually much more capable than I give myself credit for.  I threw myself into something which I knew absolutely nothing about and actually ended up enjoying it.

I am able to pick up new skills quite quickly.  I fluffed up a few times at the beginning but I learned from my mistakes and it wasn’t the end of the world. 

2.       That meeting new people isn’t as scary as I thought it was and can actually be fun.

There are a lot of interesting people out there and they all have their own insecurities and problems.  Most of the young people I spoke to didn’t have a clue where their lives were going either and were just as worried as me about their future.

3.       It’s good to ask questions – it shows you’re interested and it doesn’t make people think you’re stupid.

If you’re unsure about something it’s much better to just ask rather than run the risk of doing something wrong and looking like a fool.

4.       That you don’t need lots of “stuff” to make you happy.  Sometimes the simple life really is the best one. 

I lived in the same few trousers and tops pretty much for 5 months and during that time I stopped caring so much about what people thought of my appearance - a really liberating feeling.  Before my experience if I was having a bad day I would make myself feel better by going out and buying a new top which I would probably never wear but would make me feel better for a few hours.

5.       That being outdoors in nature (especially by the sea) is one of the best cures for depression.

There is something so reassuring about sitting on the beach watching the waves crashing onto the shore.  Being able to see the huge expanse of water in front of you and imagine all the people across it in other countries going about their daily lives, each with their own problems and worries, really brings home insignificant your problems are in the grand scheme of things.

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