Sunday, 20 November 2011

Reunions and Diets

I just RSVP'd yes to a school reunion on December the 19th. I got the invite on facebook a few days ago but I've been ignoring it and waiting to see who said they would be going. Our year was sort of divided in two by the end of sixth form; the lot I hung around with and the other lot, with a few people who flitted in between. I've had a look on facebook and most people going to this reunion are the "other lot" and a few from "my lot", but not everyone's RSVP'd yet though so it could even out.
Urgh I can't believe I'm already worrying about it when it's a whole month away!!! This is ridiculous!! And completely pointless; for all I know I might even be cured of my SA by then, what with all the groups I'm going to, and I'll dazzle them all with my wit and charm. Not very likely of course, but it's always a possibility :P

On another note, I am so sick of feeling fat. I've managed to shift half a stone in the last few months but now I really want to get down to my pre uni weight. I've decided to do a crash diet this week. Yes yes I know it's not healthy, blah blah blah ... I don't care. I can lose half a stone in a week easy - I've done it before. The plan is just to load up on fruits and vegetables, as you can eat huge quantities of them without it being too calorific, and do some form of aerobic exercise every day.
I will do it!

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