So what’s new? Well, Wednesday evening I went along to a new support group that’s just started in my local area. I had intended on going last week but sort of decided against it at the last minute. But I made it this week and I am so glad I did! There were only 4 of us including the organiser which was nice as it wasn’t too intimidating. It took me a while to get the courage to walk in, I actually walked past a few times without going in (half because of nerves and half because I wasn’t actually sure it was the right place – we were meeting in Starbucks and as there’s quite a few of them around these days it can get confusing!). Anyway everyone was really nice, and we just each talked a bit about ourselves and our experiences with SA. It was still busy in Starbucks when I got there which surprised me as I thought there wouldn’t be that many people there, and there were a few times when I felt myself becoming paranoid that people could overhear what we were saying and would think we were a bunch of freaks. But I couldn’t hear what anyone else on other tables were saying so I reasoned that other people couldn’t hear us either. Anyway I would highly recommend anyone reading this to find out if there are any groups local to you and try and go. I was SO nervous on the train there - I could feel my heart practically beating out of my chest, but once I got there and actually walked through the doors it wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. And the feeling of achievement afterwards is really amazing J
And I discovered that one of the girls at the meet (a girl around my age) is actually going to be in the same therapy group as me (starting in exactly one month now I come to think of it). So that’s a huge relief that I’m going to know someone.
In other news, I didn’t make it to the vegan festival after all, I was still too ill L That was kind of depressing because I was strangely looking forward to challenging myself with that. But the BIG news is that I have an interview next Wednesday for an internship at the British Red Cross in London. I bought an interview skills book and am working my way through it at the moment. So we’ll see how that goes....
Congratulations for going! It sounds like it was a worthwhile experience. It will be nice too for you to see a familiar face at your therapy group. I'm also going to be starting one in about a month from now. So good luck and it sounds like you are taking some pretty significant steps!