Tuesday 31 August 2010

August Update

It's been a very stressful month for me. I've spent the whole summer revising for my resit exams, which are now finally over! They went a lot better than last time so I'm confident I'll be returning to university in September (touch wood). The thought that I might not be able to go back really got me thinking about what I would do if it did actually come to that and about what I really want to do with my life. As a result I'm feeling a lot more positive about the future than I was a few months ago - I suppose every cloud really does have a silver lining.

Apart from revision and introspection, I've not been up to much. I havn't seen any friends at all since I got back home. I was invited to a birthday dinner a few weeks ago but turned it down. It was all people from school, and to be honest, bar one who I've known all my life, I don't really consider them friends anymore. Throughout the seven years I spent at that school I made quite a few friends but they always drifted away eventually because I didn't make enough effort, and now I'm paying the price.